The Residents



Geometry Help and More!


Next Session: Thursday Oct 11th 6-7:30PM Room 15

Are you waking up in the middle of the night wondering…

  1. How do I draw more awesome curves?
  2. How do I make stuff that goes in a circle-like manner (e.g. sun rays)?
  3. How do I create “Photoshop” effects (e.g. drop shadows)?
  4. How do I create more interesting motion effects?
  5. How do I make cool patterns?

Come to the residents’ workshop on Geometry Help and More!

We’ll de-mystify some of Processing’s basic geometry functions to “do more with less code.”

We will begin with absolute basics and assume no prior knowledge of anything.

This session should be helpful for people working in JS too as we’ll cover concepts that translate easily to other languages.

Monday Oct 8th 1-2PM Conference Room