The Residents



ICM Help Session Week 2: Variables, Conditionals, and Interaction


What we covered in Week 2′s ICM Help Session:

Here’s the example we created together during the help session.


What are they useful for? Storing information your program needs to run, especially information that changes over time (e.g. location of a ball).

- Declaring variables : Telling your computer you want memory to store information. (To make variables “global”, declare them at the top of the sketch outside of setup and draw)
- Initializing (Setup) : What values do you want your variables to start with when you run your program?
- Running (Draw): How do you want your variable values to change over time?


I want one thing to happen if and only if something else happens.

- && and || (ands and ors)
- >,=,


- I want my ball to bounce around randomly. I want my ball to change color randomly.
- Why do “randomly” generated things look so evenly spread out?

Creating Counters

I want something to happen, but only for 5 seconds.

Mouse/Keyboard Interaction

- Interrupts the draw loop to run code when you interact with your keyboard or mouse
- mousePressed(), keyPressed(), etc…



Here is an example of how to use a boolean, conditionals, and mousePressed to create a simple state switch- changing the color of a circle from one to another.

Click the mouse over the circle!